A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Dive into these icy cliffs and other maps with your supersonic speed!

(Prototype made in 3 days)

CONTROLS (in Spanish)

click derecho- te ves a ti mismo 

click izquierdo- giras la tabla 

1- spawn bajo 

2- spawn medio

 3-spawn alto 

boton de la rueda del raton- esconder tabla 

f- revelar tabla (si esta escondida) 

shift- agacharse/deslizarse 

espacio -salto 

wasd- moverse/hacer girar la tabla si click izquierdo presionado

CONTROLS (in English)

right click - you see yourself 

left click- rotate the table 

1- spawn low 

2- medium spawn

3-spawn high 

mouse wheel button- hide board 

f- reveal table (if hidden) 

shift- crouch/slide 

space -jump 

wasd- move/rotate the table if left click pressed


Speedy Boarders.zip 39 MB

Install instructions

Download the file above. If you want to update the game, you need to download it again when a new update is up.

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